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The Takotsubo Syndrome, also called ‘Broken Heart Syndrome’, can be caused by strong emotional or physical stress. More about Symptom, Ursachen and Treatment.
Plötzlicher, more intensive stress – during pleasure a loved person, a strong force or an unpredictable experience – can cause strong tension, force and irregular throbbing. These symptoms are common with relapsed thinking. If there is a cerebral hemorrhage, Takotsubo syndrome may act, which may indicate “Broken-Heart Syndrome” or stress-induced cardiomyopathy.
Takotsubo Syndrome is a form of sensory insufficiency that has been described in Japan since 1990. The name “Takotsubo” comes from a traditional Japanese touch, the shape of the balloon-like connecting mechanisms that cause a fall. This Erkrankung can ensure that women on the water and the energy of one of the best mountain gehenden are used, after the pumping function of the brain has ended.
Higher concentrations of takotsubo syndrome are highly emotionally or physically taxing, one of the stress hormones that cause adrenaline. This hormone can increase the frequency in a “shock state” and allow it to move forward. More risk factors can be used to perform shield function disorders and simple prädispositions.
The symptoms of the takotsubo syndromes are very serious:
The symptoms of the takotsubo syndromes are very consistent with a severe differential diagnosis. When a repair is carried out due to a blockage in the Herzkranzgefäßen operation, this can be done without the Takotsubo Syndrome. The characteristic shapes of the couplings, the mithilfe of image display with Magnetresonanztomography (MRT) make a better diagnosis possible.
The cardiac MRT plays a central role in the diagnosis of takotsubo syndromes. See beautiful detailed images of the brain and ermöglicht so that the distinction between a hernia infarction, acute myocarditis and a takotsubo syndrome is created. Some brands with kinetic disturbances, myocardials and the fehlen mean that fibrosis can be identified.
If the time of the Takotsubo Syndromes is still not a full-fledged mind, it is no specific treatment guidelines. The treatment is aimed at general treatment and the treatment of resensitivity therapy:
Früher gives the Takotsubo-Syndrom as vorübergehende and generous Erkrankung. Neueste Studien whining, that’s it Sterblichkeitsrate it is not the case that it is part of rethinking acts. In the final phase, herrhythmus disturbances, cardiogenic shock and reduced mental health may be symptoms. Long-term results cannot be excluded from the negative prognosis.
The Takotsubo Syndrome has helped women cross the Wechseljahren. About 90% of those affected by women, maximum 50 years old. Men and women are often struck by the fact that they can leave a message.
Psychological and emotional burdens play a central role in the treatment of Takotsubo syndromes. Stress, anxiety and depression can cause the disease. A comprehensive treatment, which has a psychological basis, is essential.
Das German-Italian-Spanish Takotsubo (GEIST)-Register combines and analyzes the data of patients with Takotsubo syndrome. From 2000 patients from 25 Zentren is a wertvolle Grundlage for the Erforschung dieser Krankheit. Soul is that risk models are a good prognosis and individual treatment strategy for treatment.
For affected gibt there is more relief:
This conversation partner can receive full support from the diagnosis of his therapy.
The Takotsubo Syndrome is a serious mental illness, die for all Frauen when the Wechseljahren are committed and go through strong emotional or physical strain. An incorrect differential diagnosis and comprehensive treatment are hereditary. Thanks to the registry research with the GEIST registry that you can follow, one of the mechanisms and optimal therapies that you can use.
Christian Hofmann ist Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger with longjähriger Erfahrung and zahlreichen Weiterbildungen im Gesundheitsbereich. Nach seinem Abschluss spezialisierte er sich als Wundexperte (2018) und Wundtherapeut (2022). The qualification will become available in the corporate environment and factory in 2021, in September 2024, the Weiterbildung zur Pflegedienstleitung (PDL).
Seit 2024 leitet Hoffmann das Fortbildungsprogramm “Pflegezirkel.Hamburg” voor Medizinische Fachangestellte (MFAs), Ärzte und Pflegefachkräfte in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Roten Kreuz in Süden Hamburgs. Zudem is a Beiratsmitglied in “Wundzentrum Hamburg eV”, the über-regional network of Wundversorger in Germany. Derzeit labor is hauptberuflich als Einsatzleitung/Pflegeleitung beim Deutschen Roten Kreuz in Hamburg-Harburg in der ambulanten Pflege.
Wittiger Hinweis: The information provided here should now provide all your information and not carry out the professional treatment and treatment during an Arzt. If you consider that there are serious problems or in troubleshooting, there may be a problem.
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